Fox News Crew Offers Mixed Reactions to Trump’s Debate Performance
While Donald Trump claimed to have received praise from some of the Fox News crew following the debate, the response from the network's hosts and analysts was not entirely favorable.
After the debate, Trump thanked Jesse Watters in a post, saying, “Thanks for the nice words on my Debate performance. It was a GREAT evening!” However, Watters’ assessment, as well as that of other moderators and anchors at Fox News, wasn’t as glowing as Trump suggested.
Jesse Watters pointed out that although the debate was intense, none of the candidates stood out as clear winners in the eyes of the public. “I don’t think the American people are watching this thinking any of these people won,” Watters said. “This was rough, it was intense at times. He (Trump) started off shaky but regained his footing. I thought he was going to come out with some memorable lines, but all the memorable lines came from Donald Trump.”
Watters added that the debate likely made the race even tighter between the candidates.
Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum criticized ABC News moderators for failing to challenge Kamala Harris on how her positions have shifted over the years. However, she also noted that Trump “went down a few rabbit holes” that weren’t particularly productive.
Political analyst Brit Hume was even more blunt in his assessment. “Make no mistake, Trump had a bad night. He repeatedly took the bait when she (Harris) baited him, something I’m sure his advisers begged him not to do… in this debate, we heard many of the old grievances that we thought Trump had learned were politically ineffective... So in my view, she came out in relatively good shape.”
Fox News host Sean Hannity, a strong supporter of Trump, blamed the debate moderators for the unsatisfying result. “I think the biggest loser in this debate, and we talked about this pre-debate, is ABC,” Hannity said. Trump later appeared on Hannity’s show, where he repeated his criticism of the moderators.
Hannity also pointed out that the debate failed to delve deeply into critical issues such as healthcare and the economy. “President Trump was effective in pointing out, 'You’ve been vice president for three and a half years, why haven’t you gotten these things done?’ The pass Harris has received on these issues has been the greatest disservice to the American people,” Hannity argued.
Conclusion Despite Trump’s claims of receiving support from Fox News, the feedback from the network’s hosts and analysts showed that his performance in the debate was far from universally praised. Criticism of his inability to move away from politically ineffective issues, combined with the notion that there was no clear winner in the debate, adds to the challenge Trump faces in solidifying his position amid an increasingly competitive political landscape.